FCI Rassestandard für Russische Barsois





























Barsoi Familien-Aufzucht/Züchter/Welpen in Bauler/Rheinland-Pfalz/Deutschland  



Deerhound Familien-Aufzucht/ Züchter/Welpen in Bauler/Rheinland-Pfalz/Deutschland 







Legolas vom Tollhaus, *28.01.2009 

(Jason vom Tollhaus - Leicro's Russian Zebeede) 




Our "Lasse" is a good, cuddly dog with an excellent anatomy. He has correct, completely teeth with nice scissor.

His genes comes from good, old blood lines. 

Legolas was very successful on exhebitions and he fullfilled a great show-carriere. It makes us very proud and luckky!

The male is DM free. (Degenerative Myelopathie N/N).

Unfortunately our good boy was not suitable as a studdog, so we have decided to castrate him. Now he can enjoy a little bit more without stress his further life with the dog ladies. ;-) 



German Champion DWZRV, German Champion VDH, DWZRV-Youth-Champion,  German-Youth-Champion VDH, Youth-Saarland-Champion 2010,Land-Champion Baden-Kurpfalz 2011,German-Champion VDH

Borzois, borzoi male, white borzois

Successful Borzoi male "Legolas vom Tollhaus"!


         Legolas 2 years+4 month



 More pictures of "Lasse" click here!


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